Ancestral Weapon: The Phoenix Sword serves as the Pyre heirloom and holds the Phoenix Force's power.Justified, since this miniseries is part of the Marvel Mangaverse.

Animesque: The art style is decisively evocative of this.Aloof Big Sister: Madelyne is very stern in training her baby sister Jena, but she does it in order to prepare her for her role as Guardian and its clear that she really cares for her.

#Pyre tvtropes series
The series was originally scheduled to be released on as a regular Marvel title (as evidenced by the PG rating in the first issue), but it was bumped to a Marvel MAX publication because the copious amounts of fanservice pushed the comic into a more mature territory, even though there is no explicit content like other MAX titles. As Jena is prepared by her sister to inherit their family heirloom, the Phoenix Sword, a mysterious outsider appears to steal the weapon and forcing the two heroines to embark on a quest to retrieve it. The two sisters are the last surviving members of the Clan Pyre, a group of demi-humans that safeguard the plane of Limbo and possess the ancient power of the Phoenix, an omnipotent entity responsible for creating their world. The story follows the adventures of Jena and Madelyne Pyre (the Mangaverse counterparts for Jean Grey and Madelyne Pryor, respectively). Its part of the Marvel Mangaverse continuity, officially designated Earth-2301. X-Men: Phoenix – Legacy of Fire is a 2003 limited series written and drawn by Ryan Kinnaird and published under the Marvel MAX print.