Jon tries to get back at Garfield by forcing him to chew gum and blow a bubble, but when he pops it, Jon ends up covered in gum instead. In one strip, Lucy blows a bubble gum bubble during a baseball game. She floats past Charlie Brown and over the fence, and then her bubble pops and she lands behind the fence. In a similar strip, she does it while Charlie Brown is talking to her at her psychiatric booth, clearly not paying attention to him as she floats.
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When he notices it, the bubble pops she tells him to relax, then gives him a piece of gum she's giving away free to customers.Frieda has a gigantic bubble explode in her face in the animated feature A Boy Named Charlie Brown.In a FoxTrot story arc, Jason and Paige try a new type of bubble gum whose special properties allow the user to blow unusually large bubbles.Unfortunately, both blow bubbles so big that the gum explodes in their faces, and worse yet, tethers them together. and the very properties that make such large bubbles possible also make the gum impossible to remove by normal means. The gum finally comes off when Jason and Paige realize that they may have to do things such as sleep and shower together, and their screaming causes the gum to fly right off. Unfortunately for Roger, it lands on top of his head.Averted in another FoxTrot strip, when Paige attempts to pop the gigantic bubble Jason has blown and is bewildered when the bubble not only fails to pop but fails to deflate despite the hole made by Paige's finger.Turns out it's because of their mother Andy's setting the thermostat low enough to freeze the gum (and Paige's hot beverage).The Rugrats comic strip had Angelica blowing bubble gum with her bubble popping and completely covering her face in gum.Humbert: I never see you any more with your soda fountains and your- STOP DOING THAT! She gets sad as she hoped her big bubble would float her into the air.In The Three Stooges short Love at First Bite Shemp is chewing gum and starts blowing a bubble then Moe pops with a pin.Penelope: When the eponymous Penelope ( Natalie Wood) hangs out with Lt.Bixbee ( Peter Falk), Bixbee lets her help herself on his bubblegum and they both make bubbles while talking.One of the first cases of Splash of Color in Pleasantville concerns a schoolgirl seductively blowing and popping a visibly pink bubblegum while talking to a man.X-Men: Apocalypse: During the trip to Cairo, the mood among the X-Men is quite solemn and no one is speaking, so when Quicksilver blows a bubble with his bubblegum which then pops, it provides a brief moment of levity for the audience.